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Showing posts from May, 2020

Day 74

28/02/2020 Thursday, Sunny A fairly peaceful day, continue to battle in 3GPP. The stocks go up and down, no clear trend. Vaguely feel that money switches sectors. When the infections are severe, money goes to pharmaceutical companies or social media, e-business, or giant platform companies; when the mood is optimistic, money goes to banks, mining or even airlines.

Day 73

27/05/2020 Wednesday, Cloudy Go to Sainsbury's at about 8am to pick up the grocery order. There're obviously more traffic on the road. In Canada, the court rules against Meng Wanzhou and the extradition process moves to the next stage. Still I don't believe Canada would hand her over to the USA. She could win at the next stage. The first SpaceX mission with astronauts onboard is postponed due to bad weather. Both have some setbacks. Both will succeed in the end, I believe.

Day 72

26/05/2020 Tuesday, Sunny Take the car to the dealer in Cambourne for service & MOT. Nobody wears a mask except me, but distance is carefully maintained. Wait outside for near 3 hours before getting the car back, washed and shiny.

Day 70

24/05/2020 Sunday, Cloudy Dominic Cummings is under fire because he travlled 200 miles to his parents' house twice during the lockdown. Boris has defended him. Is this not double standards?

Day 69

23/05/2020 Saturday, Shower We played Topple Tower game together today. Sean's still reluctant to play Scrabble. It seems the last defeat has profound effect on his mind. Need to get him out of the shadow.

Day 68

22/05/2020 Friday, Cloudy It turns cool and windy today. Need to remind myself to stay calm and speak slowly with Sean if I want him to be calm, too. Start season 3 of The Good Doctor today. China starts the national security law legislation for Hongkong. It's a bold move and bound to cause riots in the city. Let's see who's in control this time.

Day 67

21/05/2020 Thursday, Sunny Rush to Sainsbury's in the morning to pick up the order. Unlike Tesco, the staff don't seem to take the distancing rule very seriously, quite friendly though. Clap for NHS at 8pm again. This time, there're two propeller aeroplanes drawing a heat and a smily face in the sky.

Day 66

20/05/2020 Sunny Another hot day! It seems a lot of things happened recently. The primary schools will partially reopen from 1st of June; UK is going to reduce import taxes through its new Global Tariff scheme; The points based immigration bill passes 2nd read in the Commons; University of Cambridge announce online learning until summer term 2021!

Day 65

19/05/2020 Tuesday, Sunny Today's highest temperature is 24 °C . A perfect day for sun-bathing the quilts. Find an impossible proposal in one of our papers. No chance to be accepted and exposes our products' shortcomings. Feels like a trap set up by one of our own men.

Day 63

17/05/2020 Sunday, Sunny intervals Two pieces of news about Trump. 1. Trump speaks to the press at the White House on 15/05/2020 : "Scientists at the NIH began developing the first vaccine candidate on January 11th — think of that — within hours of the virus’s genetic code being posted online.  So, January 11th.  Most people never even heard what was going on January 11th.  And we were out there trying to develop a vaccine, not even knowing what we were up against." China shared genome sequence information of the new coronavirus with the World Health Organization on January 12 and the first confirmed coronavirus case reported in the US was on January 21. So where does the NIH get the genetic code for vaccine development?  2. Trump is being blackmailed by hackers Hackers who stole files from a law firm to stars like Lady Gaga and Drake doubled their ransom to $42 million and threatened to release 'dirty laundry' on Trump New York law firm Grubman Shir

Day 62

16/05/2020 Saturday, Cloudy 1. War of conspiracy theory? From China Daily: Can the US open Fort Detrick, other labs for investigation? 2. Read some fascinating tutorial on Quantum Mechanics. Does God play dice with the universe? Causal determinism means the world is predictable if all the initial conditions are known. The world is like a giant clockwork governed by certain laws of nature. Some are known to human but most are not. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle says there's a fundamental limit to the precision with which the values for certain pairs of physical quantities of a particle, such as position, x , and momentum, p , can be predicted from initial conditions. The more precisely the position of some particle is determined, the less precisely its momentum can be predicted from initial conditions, and vice versa. So maybe the law of cause and effect still hold, but one can never have all the information of initial conditions. It's not an observer effect b

Day 61

15/05/2020 Friday, Cloudy Reuters : U.S. moves to cut Huawei off from global chip suppliers as China eyes retaliation It seems that the threshold goes from 25% to 0%. If TSMC couldn't make chips fro Huawei, they'd lose billions of dollars a year. Why would they proceed to build a factory in the US? I suspect TSMC still has some bargining chips in hand. Instead, SMIC may not be so lucky. Maybe the real target is SMIC.

Day 60

14/05/2020 Thursday, Cloudy We worry about Sean's mental health. Turns out a frank chat is pretty effective. We tell Sean our concerns about his emotions and behaviours. He promises he could control himself better. And he showed improvement today. Meanwhile, maybe we're too harsh on him. Sixty days of staying at home. The side effects start to show. It is stressful for everyone in the house. We played good loop and top spin table tennis today. Both are happy.

Day 59

13/05/2020 Wednesday, Cloudy Sean started to play Minecraft. Asked for 30 minutes but played one hour. Not a good sign. Need screen time control!

Day 58

12/05/2020 Tuesday, Cloudy Lili's words wake me. Maybe we've been too harsh on Sean. Yes, he has many bad habits. When he's at school, we don't see them. Now he's with us 24/7, we've criticising him a lot if not all the time. No wonder he becomes very defensive. One of the side effects of everyday table tennis might be making Sean even more competitive. He always wants to win and is frustrated by every error. He's also very eager to prove himself to be smarter, stronger while we criticise him for not being humble. Lockdown is affecting the mental health of us all. How do we know if it's safe to go out, go back to school, back to work? The virus is still there. Once you catch it, the odds of death is probably the same, since there's neither cure nor vaccine. Maybe the chance of infection is lowered now? I can wear a mask at work, but students at school? No chance. This transmission path is highly likely. More meaningful statistics: https://

Day 57

11/05/2020 Monday, Cloudy Monday, back to work. Asked a computer problem on espace, several colleagues replied. Chris Phradys' solution works.

Day 56

10/05/2020 Sunday, Cloudy Katie Miller, the vice president's press secretary is tested positive. Her husband, Stephen Miller is a senior advisor of the president. Before that, one of the president's millitary valets is tested positive, too. The coronavirus has invaded the White House.

Day 55

09/05/2020 Saturday, Sunny Sean has a big breakdown today after losing a scrabble game. He wanted to win so much that he begged us to let him win during the game. His mum is shocked and ashamed. I'm not that surprised as I saw this behaviour in a table tennis game before. After the loss, he cried and shouted. He denies the defeat. Honestly he's good at this game. He thinks fast, usually has ingenius ideas and scores big. But he lose to luck this time. I have two blanks and I copy his word idea. He's yet to learn how to deal with setbacks. Stubbornness can lead to perseverance and make one expert in some area. However, it could also lead one to go on a narrow road and to go to extreme. He needs to open his mind and see all possibilities. Don't mourn the past but look forward to the future.

Day 54

08/05/2020 Friday, Sunny Early May bank holiday! An extra day for the weekend. Sean and I are really into "The Good Doctor". Two episodes a day is a must. Dr. Shaun Murphy is a gifted surgeon with autism. He has trouble communicating with people. With the help of his colleagues, he gradually learns how to read between lines, to tell whether people are being sarcastic or whether people are lying, and how/when to lie himself. Hopefully Sean can learn from it as well.

Day 52

06/05/2020 Wednesday Sunny Neil Ferguson resigned as scientific advisor to the government. Known as Professor Lockdown, he broke the social distancing rules himself. He didn't go out but allowed his lover to come over to him.

Day 51

05/05/2020 Tuesday, Sunny intervals Today I receive my Huawei Watch GT2. It's quite big for a watch, but has a feel of quality. It's an instant love. Packed of functions to be explored in the following days.

Day 50

04/05/2020 Monday, Cloudy Dark blue sky without a piece of cloud, bright near-full moon, gentle breeze touching the face. feels surreal we're in lockdown. Is there really a dangerous virus out there?

Day 49

03/05/2020 Sunday, Cloudy Warren Buffett has sold out all his shares in US airlines. And he's bearish on oil price and oil companies. He suffered a big loss in Q1 but he's holding a lot of cash at the moment, a lot! Maybe he thinks the dip is not at the bottom yet.

Day 48

02/05/2020 Saturday, Sunny After a week of rainy days, it's sunny again. Come across Chen Haowu on Youtube, who was one of the designers of China finantial system reform. Suprise to see he takes such a negative view on the reform result, i.e. the current status of China. An interesting view of his is that the finanace reform is a silent revolution. It changes China from public ownership to private ownership, from planned economy to market economy, from allocation by labour to allocation by capital. The formers are the three pillars of the classical socialism system. On the other hand, he seems to think China need adopt a faith/religon in order to counteract the vicious side (e.g. the unbounded pursuit of profit) of the market economy. And he's seriously considering Christianity. He also introduced the story of a Methodist Priest Samuel Pollard from Cornwall, England. In around 1900s, the priest converted a very large group of residents in Shimenkan, Guizhou province to Ch

Day 47

01/05/2020 Friday It's holiday in China. No wonder most colleagues are offline. Play with Trading212 for a while, find additional stocks to the list.