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Day 63

17/05/2020 Sunday, Sunny intervals

Two pieces of news about Trump.

1. Trump speaks to the press at the White House on 15/05/2020:
"Scientists at the NIH began developing the first vaccine candidate on January 11th — think of that — within hours of the virus’s genetic code being posted online.  So, January 11th.  Most people never even heard what was going on January 11th.  And we were out there trying to develop a vaccine, not even knowing what we were up against."

China shared genome sequence information of the new coronavirus with the World Health Organization on January 12 and the first confirmed coronavirus case reported in the US was on January 21. So where does the NIH get the genetic code for vaccine development?

 2. Trump is being blackmailed by hackers

Hackers who stole files from a law firm to stars like Lady Gaga and Drake doubled their ransom to $42 million and threatened to release 'dirty laundry' on Trump

New York law firm Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks

The hacker group, called Revil and also known as Sodinokibi

And one news about China

China's ambassador to Israel is found dead at Tel Aviv home, believed to die during sleep.

A strange thing at strange times!
