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Day 55

09/05/2020 Saturday, Sunny

Sean has a big breakdown today after losing a scrabble game. He wanted to win so much that he begged us to let him win during the game. His mum is shocked and ashamed. I'm not that surprised as I saw this behaviour in a table tennis game before.

After the loss, he cried and shouted. He denies the defeat. Honestly he's good at this game. He thinks fast, usually has ingenius ideas and scores big. But he lose to luck this time. I have two blanks and I copy his word idea. He's yet to learn how to deal with setbacks.

Stubbornness can lead to perseverance and make one expert in some area. However, it could also lead one to go on a narrow road and to go to extreme. He needs to open his mind and see all possibilities. Don't mourn the past but look forward to the future.
