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Day 48

02/05/2020 Saturday, Sunny

After a week of rainy days, it's sunny again.

Come across Chen Haowu on Youtube, who was one of the designers of China finantial system reform. Suprise to see he takes such a negative view on the reform result, i.e. the current status of China. An interesting view of his is that the finanace reform is a silent revolution. It changes China from public ownership to private ownership, from planned economy to market economy, from allocation by labour to allocation by capital. The formers are the three pillars of the classical socialism system.

On the other hand, he seems to think China need adopt a faith/religon in order to counteract the vicious side (e.g. the unbounded pursuit of profit) of the market economy. And he's seriously considering Christianity. He also introduced the story of a Methodist Priest Samuel Pollard from Cornwall, England. In around 1900s, the priest converted a very large group of residents in Shimenkan, Guizhou province to Christians, who were mainly of Miao ethnical origion. Apart from the religion, he also helped the locals to create their own written language, improved their hygiene practice and even taught them to play football. A truely remarkable individual!

In the family time, we watched two episodes of The Good Doctor. Hope it can help Sean to understand what is called arkward in social interactions apart from being impressed by the medical genius. Something like: You're right because you're my boss? No, you have to act like you're wrong because I'm your boss.
