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Showing posts from July, 2020

Day 136

29/07/2020 Wednesday, Sunny interval Finally we get some sunshine and a little breeze. Big table tennis day again. Sean has improved a lot recently, especially in his emotion control. And he behaves quite sensibe lately.

Day 135

28/07/2020 Tuesday Yellow zone can't access green zone, not even read! Red zone: top-secret Yellow zone: normal R&D Green zone: general intranet Blue zone: internet

Day 134

27/07/2020 Monday Check the progress with Mmd today. He doesn't seem to be familiar with OFDM, such as two different CP lengths in a slot, the relationship between FFT size and SCS, etc. Bit worried about the completion of the simulation task.

Day 132

25/07/2020 Saturday, Cloudy The market, esp. NASDAQ has a big correction this week. Earnings report continues next week. What would happen?

Day 131

24/07/2020, Friday, Cloudy It's a really a bad time to use leverage. The 2xAPL, 2xMS, 2xAMN are killing me. Shouldn't be so wishful and optimistic? Stop loss is the most important in the stock market. Should have sold them yesterday with a smaller loss.

Day 130

23/07/2020 Thursday, Cloudy Microsfot beats expectation but stock price goes south. Is it because the growth rate is lowered? Tesla stays profitable in a 4th quarter, but again stock price tumbles. The jobless claim report has a much bigger impact and investors are picky on the hyped tech prices.

Day 128

21/07/2020 Tuesday, Cloudy Sean is grounded for a whole day today. No screen time at all. Suprisingly he did well and repaired the relationship with his mum. Without computer, iPad or TV, he played piano, learnt Chinese and played TT. The only thing missed is the math exercise. Without anybody being grumpy, it's happy family again.

Day 127

20/07/2020 Monday, Cloudy Special Report: Into the fog - How Britain lost track of the coronavirus As Reuters has reported previously, Britain was slow to impose lockdown measures. That delay was costly. Professor Neil Ferguson, a disease modelling expert from Imperial College, London, has said that introducing lockdown measures a week earlier “would have reduced the final death toll by at least half.” Now, a Reuters investigation reveals further missteps and failures by officials and government agencies, including Selbie’s Public Health England, in testing, tracking and tracing. Among decisions that doctors and epidemiologists say cost lives were: • Failure to build up capacity to perform mass tests for COVID-19. • Deciding on a narrower definition of COVID-19 than used by the World Health Organization and other countries. • A decision to abandon testing of most people who didn’t require hospitalization, and failure, early on, to create any way to track infection. • A decis

Day 126

19/07/2020 Sunday, Cloudy The rules of successfull skunk works projects or Kelly Johnson's Rules and Practices 1. The Skunk Works® manager must be delegated practically complete control of his program in all aspects. He should report to a division president or higher. 2. Strong but small project offices must be provided both by the military and industry. 3. The number of people having any connection with the project must be restricted in an almost vicious manner. Use a small number of good people (10% to 25% compared to the so-called normal systems). 4. A very simple drawing and drawing release system with great flexibility for making changes must be provided. 5. There must be a minimum number of reports required, but important work must be recorded thoroughly. 6. There must be a monthly cost review covering not only what has been spent and committed but also projected costs to the conclusion of the program. 7. The contractor must be delegat

Day 125

18/07/2020 Saturday, Cloudy For first time, world records 1 million coronavirus cases in 100 hours - Reuters tally (Reuters) - Global coronavirus infections passed 14 million on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, marking the first time there has been a surge of 1 million cases in under 100 hours. The first case was reported in China in early January and it took three months to reach 1 million cases. It has taken just four days to climb to 14 million cases from 13 million recorded on July 13. The United States, with more than 3.6 million confirmed cases, is still seeing huge daily jumps in its first wave of COVID-19 infections. The United States reported a daily global record of more than 77,000 new infections on Thursday, while Sweden has reported 77,281 total cases since the pandemic began. In Brazil, more than 2 million people have tested positive including President Jair Bolsonaro, and more than 76,000 people have died. India, the only other country with more than 1 mi

Day 124

17/07/2020 Friday, Sunny Had a virtual farewell for Cedric. He's going to join Robert & Nicky to work in a startup. Dont quite understand his choice since he's the only software guy according to him. Don't understand the stock market now. The tech shares are tumbling; the oil and bank shares are rising but very slowly. There's no clear direction. My strategy would be buy some ETF and wait and see.

Day 123

16/07/2020 Thursday, Sunny Had a phone conversation with the new colleague in Paris. Gave him an introduction about the simulation platform as well as some bascis on RAN4. So far it seems we're getting on well.

Day 122

15/07/2020 Wednesday, Rainy Coronavirus: Face masks and coverings to be compulsory in England's shops It's common sense in many Asia countries, but it's so difficult to be adopted in the UK. Coronavirus: Why attitudes to masks have changed around the world

Day 121

14/07/2020 Tuesday, cloudy UK to purge Huawei from 5G by 2027, angering China and pleasing Trump Not entirely supprising consider the domestic political climate and the pressure from the US. A compromise or U-turn Boris has to make. 1. The incompetency exposed in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. The need to reform NHS and drastically improve the cooridination among the dept of Health, PHE and NHS. 2. Reform the civil service system advocated by Domminic Cummings. One sign is the resignation of the top civil servant Mark Sedwill. 3. BREXIT and trade deal with the US. 4. National security law in HK. Both HSBC and Standard Chartered succumb to the pressure from the mainland. The decision is a retaliation for #4 and a tradeoff  to the opposition within the Conservatives.

Day 120

13/07/2020 Monday, Rainy Tesla's stock price approches $1800 by midday and then drops to around $1500 in the end. Rather then a big correction, I reckon the investors are changing targets. Eyes are on the earnings report of the finacial sector such as big US banks. Tech shares are down while energy, bank shares are rising.

Day 119

12/07/2020, Sunday, Sunny It's a sunny day with little wind. A perfect day for TT. Ordered a pair of trainers for Sean. He's grown out of several pairs recently. Still need to order some larger school wears for him.

Day 118

11/07/2020 Saturday, Cloudy For the 2nd time since lockdown, we got out of the house and went to the park as a family. Sean and I played table tennis there, while Lili jogged around the tennis court. Later we walked around the reservoir and came home from the high street. Though we've lived here for 5 years, it's the first time we walked around it. It's near 3 miles and we ended up exhausted.

Day 117

10/07/2020 Friday, Sunny I went out jogging in the park after wakeup, completely forgetting about the group meeting. How embarassing! Bought some China ETF at the last minute, bet the China stock markets will recover next week.

Day 116

09/07/2020 Thursday, Rainy It was going to be an annoying day since I lost sleep in the early hours of the morning. For the 2nd time, exercises saved me. After running 2800 meters in the park, I feel energized again.

Day 115

08/07/2020 Wednesday, Rainy The Chancellor of the Exchequer announces new stimuls measures including discount on stamp duty. A chance to invest in the property market? Also meet a new colleague today, who's based in Paris. Looks like he's going to work on simulations together with me.

Day 114

07/07/2020 Tuesday, Rain WHO acknowledges 'evidence emerging' of airborne spread of COVID-19 Jimenez said historically, there has been a fierce opposition in the medical profession to the notion of aerosol transmission, and the bar for proof has been set very high. A key concern has been a fear of panic . “If people hear airborne, healthcare workers will refuse to go to the hospital,” he said. Or people will buy up all the highly protective N95 respirator masks, “and there will be none left for developing countries.” << Maybe it's more to do with political concern.>> Brazil's Bolsonaro catches coronavirus, shrugs off health risks <<Even if he doesn't worry himself, he should look after those poor and elderly. Like Boris, he's surely going to receive best care after testing positive. But many in care homes probably die helplessly from the virus.>>

Day 113

06/07/2020 Monday, Cloudy Tesla stock price surges over 13%, Lemonnade rises over 30% in the middle of the day and falls back to yet over 16%. iShares MSCI China ETF increases more than 8%! Another crazy day! Hope the rally goes on a few more days. Wall Street jumps on strong services sector, hopes of China recovery

Day 112

05/07/2020 Sunday, Cloudy Data talks. Stats talk. UK is the hardest hit country among G7. How about UK performs the worst among G7? Whom to blame? The government! Coronavirus: What do global death patterns reveal about the UK?

Day 111

05/07/2020 Saturday, Cloudy and rain Football restarts today and 12 people will go to play. I suppose the official guideline is no more than 6. Hmm.

Day 110

03/07/2020 Friday, Cloudy Sean goes back to school again. He has three more school days next week but we plan to let him stay home. The lockdown eases this Sat. Pubs and restaurants re-open. Who knows what would happen regarding the transmissions? A quick poll is done among the team members and nobody plans to go back to the office in phase 1.

Day 109

02/07/2020 Thursday, Cloudy Tesla's share price reaches $1200. Really crazy! Tesla, Zoom, Pinduoduo + Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft. That's enough to make a fortune during this pandemic. The price is not value-based at all, it's panic-based! How can BP, BT, Wells Fargo be so cheap? Just when you think they should go up, they go down and down. This is no ordinary time, can't follow ordinary thinking.

Day 108

01/07/2020 Wednesday, Cloudy It's the 1st day of the H2. Italian whole-town study finds 40% of coronavirus cases had no symptoms VĂ², which has a population of nearly 3,200 , was immediately put into quarantine for 14 days after suffering Italy’s first COVID-19 death, on Feb. 21. During that fortnight, researchers tested most of the population for SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. A analysis of the results, published in the journal Nature on Monday, showed that at the start of quarantine, 2.6% of Vo’s population - or 73 people - were positive. After two weeks, only 29 people were positive. At both times, around 40% of positive cases showed no symptoms . But because all of the coronavirus cases found - whether symptomatic or not - were quarantined, the researchers said, this helped slow the spread of the disease, effectively suppressing it in a few weeks. ============================================================= Testing everyone could be costly and time-