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Day 114

07/07/2020 Tuesday, Rain

WHO acknowledges 'evidence emerging' of airborne spread of COVID-19

Jimenez said historically, there has been a fierce opposition in the medical profession to the notion of aerosol transmission, and the bar for proof has been set very high. A key concern has been a fear of panic.

“If people hear airborne, healthcare workers will refuse to go to the hospital,” he said. Or people will buy up all the highly protective N95 respirator masks, “and there will be none left for developing countries.”

<< Maybe it's more to do with political concern.>>

Brazil's Bolsonaro catches coronavirus, shrugs off health risks

<<Even if he doesn't worry himself, he should look after those poor and elderly. Like Boris, he's surely going to receive best care after testing positive. But many in care homes probably die helplessly from the virus.>>
