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Day 238

 09/11/2020 Monday, Rain

A remarkable day!

'Great day for humanity': Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine over 90% effective

Shares of BA soars up by ~40% (close at 26%), Rolls-Royce near 90% mid-day then falls back to ~46%.

Peloton down ~17%,  Zoom down ~16%, Amazon down ~4%,  Tesla down ~0.4%, Apple down ~0.6%.

BoA + 15%,  Morgan Stanley + 9%, Boeing +15%

Trump side, he fired his Defence Sectary, Mr Esper after a public falling-out recently. Mr Esper's predecessor, James Mattis commented Trump as the "first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people - does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us."
