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Showing posts from August, 2020

Day 164

 26/08/2020 Wednesday, Cloudy Messi wants to leave Barc after the arrival of the new manager! Luis Suarez was already told to leave. A big clean-up of the old squad in Barc.

Day 162

 24/08/2020 Monday First day to restart the TT training with Ferenc! Sean woke up at 6AM and didn't go back to sleep at all. Arrived 20 minutes before the booking. The gym opens at 9AM. We're the first ones to use the function room of Kesley Kerriage sports centre. Ferenc was also happy to see us. He put on some weight, too. He's also a bit suprised with Sean's progress after the long lockdown. This is the 3rd week since he restarted coaching.

Day 161

 23/08/2020 Sunday Had heated discussions with Lili on property investment: what to buy, where to buy, and how much. Now it becomes clear that we should invest in a house in the catchment area of a good secondary school with a price within our buy-to-let budget. The amount of load is between 150 and 180 times the monthly rent.

Day 160

 22/08/2020 Saturday Went to view a bunglow near Lama's field. We arrived early so that three of us could play a bit in the park. Sean nearly ran into the brook before made a U-turn. Unfortunately, one of his shoes was stuck in the mud. He had to put his bare foot into the shoe after it was washed. Simply too much mud on his sock.

Day 159

 21/08/2020 Friday Tried the virtual meeting from It offers virtual tables and one can network with the guests on the same table during intervals, a bit like f-2-f meetings. Quite interesting!

Day 154

 16/08/2020 Sunday, Rain Learned from Douyin how to make "Bing (饼)" today and it turned out to be a success! Play Scrable game for the 4th time after the long break. I achieved the highest point (33) in one go but Sean still won as he made two 25-point steps. And he seems to do it with ease. Impressive.

Day 153

 15/08/2020 Saturday, Cloudy Trump orders ByteDance to divest interest in U.S. TikTok operations within 90 days  Judging from the new deadline, it seems that the pressure is released a bit. But this one gives real legal power.  "The new order adds to pressure for ByteDance to divest TikTok, and legally buttresses the U.S. government’s crackdown on the Chinese-owned social media app. It authorizes U.S. officials to inspect TikTok and ByteDance’s books and information systems to ensure the safety of personal data while the sale talks are ongoing. "

Day 152

 14/08/2020 Friday, Rainy  Below shows how to block a batch websites using wildcard in the domain names. DNSMASQ Install dnsmasq on macOS with homebrew : ~ brew install dnsmasq   To configure dnsmasq, take the default example configuration at /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf and edit to taste.   For individual users ~ vim /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf # This file will be added to the configuration conf-file=/Users/your_user_name/.dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf ~ vim /Users/your_user_name/.dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf # example.localhost will be resolved as, including subdomains address=/example.localhost/ listen-address= ~ sudo brew services stop dnsmasq ~ sudo brew services start dnsmasq  

Day 146

 08/08/2020 Saturday, Sunny It cools down a bit but still hot. Online shopping could be tedius and frustrating. The descriptions are elusive and you're not sure whether they're right for you. For example, there're so many trainers on the sports-direct website. Adidas, Nike, Rebok, Puma, etc, etc. Even within the same brand, there're many models/series. When seeking for a pair of proper trainers, it's not just the look and price that matter. It should fit the shape of your feet and makes you comfortable during running. How about a membership-based club? AI or a real person would find the right shoes, clothes for you. Guarantee fit and comfortable. This personal assitant even recommends new products for you. Some initial body measurements are taken by clients themselves, by tape or by photos. This is the fee-based service. For the free part of the website/club, there're reviews of popular or in-season products. Editor's picks or readers' top rated. The pur

Day 145

 07/08/2020 Friday, Sunny It's reaching 36 degree Celsius. Have to close all the curtains of the south-facing windows. And can't sleep until after 11 pm. Fortunately, all the meeting submissions are completed. Only some light work is left to do today.

Day 142

04/08/2020, Tuesday, Cloudy MSFT goes down even after Trump indicates approval of the TikTok deal. It's a big, fat fish. It's likely that many meat-eaters want a bite. When the deal is sealed, the stock price is definitely going to shoot up. But for now, a lower MSFT stock price would be a better chance to buy before the final deal. That's enough motivation to manipulate the market. Expect a dip of the stock!

Day 141

03/08/2020 Monday, Sunny A hectic day - simulation, EN-DC, helping colleagues. Had a pretty close match with Sean. Played 3 sets out of 5, each reaching more than 10 points. Sean was really tired afterwards, aching legs and wrists.

Day 140

02/08/2020 Sunday, cloudy Get the simulation working. Results are more or less close to other contributions. Should study ETF a bit more. Traditional value stocks perform quite poor recently, esp. oil, airline industry. Interesting to know that US is capable to export lots of oil. If oil price is going down, would that be a good news for airliners? They're still the best way to travel long distance, right? Biotech, gene editing, 5G, cloud, AI, AI in drugs and Amazon. Growth ETF!

Day 139

01/08/2020 Cloudy After a very hot day, it feels much cooler today. Continue to work on NR-U coding. Had a chance to beat Sean today, but he still came back.

Day 138

31/07/2020 Friday Just when I pity for the drop of MSFT, it's reported that it's in talk to buy TikTok. And Trump is racheting up the pressure to force the sale. Trump says will ban TikTok amid pressure on Chinese owner to sell

Day 137

30/07/2020 Thursday Huge earnings report day - Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, all in one day! All beat expectation except Google. Online shopping becomes liefline during pandemic. So not suprise to see Amazon doing well. More activities, both work and entertainment are online, so does advertising. But it appears social network apps are used more than just videos on Youtube. It's understandable as socialising has to be kept virtual, too. What suprises me most is Apple. iPhone, iMac, Airpods are still selling well even during economic down-turn. It's like Tesla. People are always willing to pay for trendy things.