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Day 477

 06/07/2020 Tuesday UK is to fully re-open on 19/07 despite rising covid cases due to the delta variant. No masks, no social distance. Crazy!
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Day 257

 28/11/2020 Saturday, Cloudy A shocking news from my alma mater Wechat group, one classmate died from illness one day ago. 怀念丫丫  有的同学居然再也见不到了 她,永远的离开了这个世界 从今以后,只能从记忆中搜寻她的片段 五年的青葱岁月 温文尔婉她 或许只有只言片语 青春的印迹却不曾磨灭 再也见不到了吗 就在去年,毕业20周年纪念会上有你 还有筹划中的30周年呢 永别的到来,竟是这般猝不及防 你的躯体就要永久的消失于这世界 我们心中的痛才刚刚开始融化 一个不经意间 涓涓细流化成滔滔洪水 瞬间吞没,泪崩 夜空里,点点星辰 那,有你的归宿 安息吧,我的同学

Day 238

 09/11/2020 Monday, Rain A remarkable day! 'Great day for humanity': Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine over 90% effective Shares of BA soars up by ~40% (close at 26%), Rolls-Royce near 90% mid-day then falls back to ~46% . Peloton down ~17%,  Zoom down ~16%, Amazon down ~4%,  Tesla down ~0.4%, Apple down ~0.6%. BoA + 15%,  Morgan Stanley + 9%, Boeing +15% Trump side, he fired his Defence Sectary, Mr Esper after a public falling-out recently. Mr Esper's predecessor, James Mattis commented Trump as the "first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people - does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us."

Day 229

 31/10/2020 Saturday, Cloudy Last day of October. Blood bath day in US stock market yesterday. Three days before the US election day. Michal Kosinski I am an Associate Professor in Organizational Behavior at Stanford University Graduate School of Business. I study humans in a digital environment using cutting-edge computational methods, AI and Big Data.

Day 188

 20/09/2020 Sunday, Sunny Trump wants to cut all middle men and drives deals directly. Both Republican establishment and Democrats are his enemy. Big capitalists/billionairs need to take side or switch side. China's ByteDance gets Trump nod to avoid TikTok shutdown WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday he supported a deal in principle that would allow TikTok to continue to operate in the United States, even as it appeared to conflict with his earlier order for China’s ByteDance to divest the video app. <This is unprecedented for a US president to revert an Executive Order.> TikTok will be owned by a new company called TikTok Global and will be headquartered in the United States, possibly in Texas , Trump said. Oracle Corp will take a 12.5% stake in TikTok Global and store all its U.S. user data on its cloud to comply with U.S. national security requirements, the companies said. Retail giant Walmart said it would take a 7.5% s

Day 182

 14/09/2020, Monday, Sunny Summer is back and tomorrow is forcast to be hotter. Softbank is going to make near 4bn profit in the ARM sale deal with Nvidia after acquiring it 4 years ago. Nvidia to buy chip designer Arm for $40 billion as SoftBank exits U-turn of TikTok's fate China threatens to block the forced sale to Microsoft, while the new deal could keep Bytedance's control over TikTok. Note that Oracle’s chairman Larry Ellison is one of the tech world’s few Trump supporters. ByteDance picks Oracle as partner to try to save TikTok U.S  

Day 180

 12/09/2020 Saturday, Sunny Analysts at BofA Global Research noted that September tends to be the weakest month of the year , with stocks notching gains less than half the time and the S&P 500’s average return at minus 1%. The bank’s data also shows that markets tend to dip in the weeks ahead of an election, then rallying after . In this case, among investors’ concerns is that the Nov 3 vote will be unclear or disputed. ============================= Sean and I manage to connect with his friend in Minecraft world. We learnt about port forwarding and dynamic DNS. Thank for the free DNS service and thank the Xiaomi router for the integrated DMZ and port forwarding functions.